Pharmaceutical Process Technology Division (8980 bytes)

Liquid / Cream Processing & Packaging (3184 bytes)

This liquid and cream filling machine has been developed to meet the filling requirements of the Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Industries. Flexibility in volume (10ml to 5 litres) and flexibility in product (liquid and cream) together with quick changeover, accuracy, easy programming and calibration have been incorporated in this machine. More info.


Filling Machine for Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Industries - Pic (12970 bytes)Medifill - Pic 2 (13499 bytes)Medifill - Pic 3 (22135 bytes)Medifill - Pic 4 (23816 bytes)

Tablet / Capsule Processing & Packaging (3274 bytes)

Rotary Tablet Press (1288 bytes) Capsule Filling Machine (1370 bytes)
Rotary Tablet Press - Pic  (59189 bytes) Automatic Capsule Filling Machine - Pic (33567 bytes)
The  rotary tablet press machine is used for medium or high productivity in global health food and pharmeceutical industry. More info. The automatic capsule filling machine has been introduced to the worldwide pharmaceutical industry and proven to be extremely efficient and accurate. For small and medium production capacity is also available. More info.

Rotary Tablet Counter - Pic (28565 bytes)

tag_rotary.gif (1372 bytes)
Rotary Tablet Counter - Pic (12793 bytes)
Positive container alignment to counting heads via infeed and outfeed starwheels.
Rotary Tablet Counter - Pic  (13091 bytes)
Touch screen control for all operations.
Rotary Tablet Counter - Pic  (13871 bytes)
Patented tablet or capsule separation before counting offers absolute control of each and every tablet or capcule to counter and bottle.
Rotary Tablet Counter - Pic (13241 bytes)
Quick release counting modules mounted over container funnel ensure ultra quick disassembly for cleaning.

The RTC Series rotary tablet counter represents a new generation of electronic counting technology. The rotary design offers positive container handling for tablet or capsule filling and counting. This is facilitated by transferring containers from the conveyor onto a central bottle starwheel set below a rotary counting turret.

Packaging System - Pic (50250 bytes) Blister Packaging Machine (1537 bytes)

This packaging is designed to meet the superior flexibility with simple operation, high production efficiency, yet very economically priced for pharmaceutical, health care and confectionery fields. This heavy frame, economical packaging machine consists of :
bulletForming material infeeding, pre-heating, forming with cold forming function, feeding bed, lid foil infeeding, sealing, coding, slitting (or perforation), drwa-off, punching, discharge conveyor and waste wind up spool. More info.

Strip Packaging Machine (1491 bytes)

The smallest and most flexible strip packaging machine is available in 1-6 lane executions. With its maximum sealing width of 160mm, it can seal up to 1800 products per minute. The modular design helps reduce the time required for format changeover to a minimum.

Strip Packaging Machine - Pic  (46375 bytes)

Cosmetic / Toiletries Processing & Packaging (3340 bytes)

Vacuum Mixer / Homogeniser - Pic (25855 bytes) Tube Filler - Pic (29626 bytes) Cosmetic / Cream Processing Product Sample - Pic (27783 bytes)
Vacuum Mixer / Homogeniser Machine (2032 bytes) Tube Filler Machine (1162 bytes) Product Sample : Cosmetic & Toiletries (2061 bytes)

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